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Shimo VPN Client 4.1.3 Build 8800

crisimcomheconla 2020. 9. 28. 19:32

Professional VPN Client for your Mac OS X

Shimo Vpn Client 4.1.3 Build 8800 3

Shimo is the swiss army knife for VPN connections. It supports more protocols than any other VPN application out there! CiscoVPN, AnyConnect, IPSec, OpenVPN, PPTP/L2TP, Nortel and even SSH connections are no problem for Shimo.Shimo is able to automate everything around your secure network connec. Download Free Shimo VPN Client 4.1.3 Build 8800 for Mac on Mac Torrent Download. Shimo is the swiss army knife for VPN connections. It supports more protocols than any other VPN application out there! CiscoVPN, AnyConnect, IPSec, OpenVPN, PPTP/L2TP, Nortel and even SSH connections are no problem for Shimo.Shimo is able to automate everything around your secure network.

What's new in this version:

Shimo Build 8837
- Allow to include license information in deployment package
- Updated OpenVPN to version 2.4.0
- Fix file permission for referenced shell script
- Fix display of license activation window
- Minor improvements to OpenVPN reconnection mechanism
- Fix bug in importing of accounts with referenced files
Shimo Build 8819
- Fixed some PPTP connection types.
Shimo Build 8818
- Hotfix for PPTP connections
Shimo 4.1.4 Build 8814
- Do not reconnect on failure for IPSec
- Fixed storage of L2TP pre-shared key in keychain
- Fixed routing configuration for OpenVPN
- Be less restrictive with PPTP authentication protocols
- Do not fail immediately on authentication errors for SSL connections
- Improved check for availability of tun/tap kernel extension
- Always copy to global Applications directory
- Use correct vault path for AnyConnect files
- Make PPTP connections 'persist' (auto-reconnect)
Shimo 4.1.3 Build 8800
- Include auxiliary files in exported profiles
- Show warning for invalid routes
- Fixes for deployment packages
- Fixed filtering of connection history
Shimo 4.1.2 Build 8433
- Fixed OpenVPN custom routing
- Fixed AnyConnect crash
Shimo 4.1.1 Build 8418
- Allow to export security credentials without master password
- Check whether authentication is possible before connection is initiated
- Replaced recommended VPN provider VyprVPN with tigerVPN
- Fixed execution of script files that are stored in Shimo's vault
- Improved networking scripts including DNS handling
- Fixed DNS configuration for PPTP/L2TP accounts
- Fixed OpenVPN networking script
Shimo 4.1 Build 8209
- Allow per-account IPSec phase 2 configurations
- Improved identification handling for IPSec accounts
- Improved importing/exporting of accounts
- Added manual routing to IPSec accounts
- Allow to configure DNS handling for accounts
- Added more configuration options for IPSec accounts
- Updated Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) script for AnyConnect
- Allow to disable connection to group accounts
- Extended deploy/export dialog: allow to specify read-only property
- Show account name in authentication dialog
- Added expert configuration interface for IPSec accounts
- Added OpenVPN 2.3.11
- Fixed routing for Cisco connections
- Fixed crash with AnyConnect accounts
- Fixed compatibility with tun/tap drivers of other clients
- Fixed WiFi trigger name in dialog
- Fixed monitoring of network configuration changes
- Improved reconnection behavior
- Allow to resize statistics window
- Fixed split routing for IPSec
- Correctly ask for XAUTH credentials for IPSec accounts

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Shimo Vpn Client 4.1.3 Build 8800 2

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Shimo Vpn Client 4.1.3 Build 8800 1



Shimo Vpn Client 4.1.3 Build 8800 Free

Secure connection for the rest of us.
VPN connections are an essential part of many people's daily life and therefore they have to be integrated seamlessly into the existing network infrastructure. Shimo automatically detects changes in your network configuration and reacts accordingly like initiating a VPN connection or reconnection.
Secure VPN connections are only really secure as long as the data used for authentication is stored safely. Therefore Shimo uses Apple's central storage for all your sensitive information: Keychain. Both, your passwords and your certificates are stored in the Kechain and thus protected additionally by your MacOS X password.
Shimo keeps you informed about every important event. To achieve this it offers multiple different ways of getting your attention: Next to growl notifications and special sounds Shimo supports spoken text and custom AppleScripts. With those you can execute whatever action you want and connect it with a specific event in the connection process.
When we speak about VPN we think of encryption, authentication and low level networking. Abbreviations like 3DES, AES, PFS and DH make it even more complicated for a normal user to set up a secure tunnel. Shimo makes all this possible and enables really everbody to handle secure connections.
Shimo supports almost every VPN protocol that is currently used. Next to the widely used CiscoVPN, Shimo easily handles OpenVPN and standard compliant IPSec connections. PPTP and L2TP are no problem at all either. With Cisco's new AnyConnect protocol and the zero-configuration protocol Hamachi the list of supported connection types becomes even longer. If you know any protocol not supported by Shimo, please let us know...